Why Communication Will Boost Your Wellness Program
Boosting Your Corporate Wellness Program
Understand why communication needs to be the foundation of your corporate wellness program.
Your Instructor
After graduating with a Bachelor’s Degree in Exercise Science from Florida Atlantic University in 2009, Gladimir Simeon and his wife launched their fitness company called Glad Health & Fitness.It began has a personal training business but has grown into a comprehensive Corporate Wellness Company.
Currently, he is pursuing his Master’s Degree in Mental Health Counseling to better motivate others into action.As a Health Fitness Specialist he has impact the lives of others by encouraging them to overcome internal and external hurdles. He doesn’t believe in gimmicks, shortcuts or magic pills.But what he does believe is that we all have it in us to change.For daily motivation like and follow Glad Health & Fitness on Facebook and Instagram.
Course Curriculum
PreviewWhy Communication Will Boost Your Wellness Program- Intro (1:41)
PreviewWhy Communication Will Boost Your Wellness Program- Good Communication (2:58)
PreviewWhy Communication Will Boost Your Wellness Program- What to Communicate (3:08)
PreviewWhy Communication Will Boost Your Wellness Program- Branding (5:29)
PreviewWhy Communication Will Boost Your Wellness Program- Marketing (5:12)
PreviewWhy Communication Will Boost Your Wellness Program- Corporate Wellness (5:46)
PreviewWhy Communication Will Boost Your Wellness Program- Review (4:42)
PreviewWhy Communication Will Boost Your Wellness Program- GHF University (2:36)